women's day, international women's day, march-3198004.jpg

Non mi va assolutamente di cucinare oggi!… ma lo farò! Lo farò con Amore e Semplicità, per chi rende le mie giornate speciali!

Condivido uno scritto di Madre Teresa che è per me come una locomotiva a vapore!

Non fermiamoci, difficoltà e problemi sono sempre accanto, ma la forza di volontà ci ha da sempre contraddistinte!

A poem by Mother Teresa for International Women’s Day

Always keep in mind that skin wrinkles, hair goes white, days become years…
But the important is not to change; your strength and conviction don’t have an age.
Your spirit is any spider-web’s glue.
Behing every finishing line there’s another one that starts.
Behind every success there’s another disappointment.
For the time you’re alive, feel alive. If you miss what you were doing go back to doing it.
Don’t live off discoloured photos… insist even if everyone expects you to give up.
Don’t let the metal within you rust away.
When for old-age you won’t be able to run, walk fast.
When you won’t be able to walk fast, walk.
When you won’t beable to walk, use a stick.
But never give up!

Mother TeresaMother Teresa

E se avete bisogno di un suggerimento o un’idea per rispondere alla fatidica domanda di ogni giorno: ” Cosa cucino a pranzo?”…

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